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Wedding Trends We Love

Wedding trends come and go. Some are tried and true classics. Some we hope to see become classics. Some we’d be happy if we never saw again.

What’s hot right now that we love? Let’s start with a personal favorite:

Live Wedding Portraits -What exactly is a live wedding portrait? Well, it’s a painting done of your wedding at your wedding by an artist you’ve hired. They are truly beautiful. We’ve even seen them used as wedding favors. Usually, we’re not fans of favors you can’t eat, but these will surely find a home on your guest’s walls for years to come, just as you’ll treasure yours. We spoke with Lindsey Spears of PaintingsNstuff LLC, who was the first artist we saw display these one-of-a-kind gifts, she described the experience as "A unique keep-sake for either the couple or their guests but also act as a great source of entertainment."

Late-Night Eats - People love to eat, especially after a joyous night of dancing and drinking. Just remember, it’s a late-night snack, sliders and a cup of fries will do. Maybe a nice salty pretzel. Something that can be eaten while walking to their car. We recommend staying away from saucy foods. Food trucks are also a great late-night option, people really get excited when they see a truck pull up. Of course, they can also be fun for cocktail hour as well.

Charcuterie favor boxes - Remember we said we like favors you can eat? Charcuterie is hot right now, and we like it that way. Meat, cheese, fruit- what’s not to love? If your answer is meat then you can opt for cheese and fruit. Either way, people love edible wedding favors and this one is our favorite. You can visit Sweet Grazing by JuJu to discuss these beautiful and delicious gifts.

Furniture rentals - A few comfy couches and chairs for cocktail hour seating. Beautiful wood tables for your displays. Farmhouse tables for guest tables. All these give your wedding a personal and homey feel. Can't you just imagine snuggling up to your new spouse on this comfy couch rented from Paisley and Jade? Rented items can help create a wonderful chat area for guests who prefer a cozy seat to the dance floor or standing at cocktail tables.

Not your average bar - The bar is usually the busiest spot of weddings besides the dance floor. But what about adding a different type of bar? We've seen oyster bars, a whisky or wine tasting bar, and a cigar bar. A personal favorite was Cheeze-it bar! It's another great way to personalize your wedding. Share your passions with your guests, they're sure to remember it for years to come.

Anything but sparklers exit - We know. Sparklers a pretty and fun as well as beautiful for pictures. But if we’re honest, they’re also played out. And they can be so dangerous. Many venues don’t allow them. So, what else is there to do? We love glow sticks, bubbles, fiber optic wands, pom-poms, colored flags, or ribbons. Get creative, think outside the fire hazard.

Personal Photos - I love telling a couple’s story through their wedding. One great way to do this is putting some of your personal photos on display. This is also a wonderful way to represent loved ones unable to be with you on this special day. You can have them as decor scattered around the venue or -if you’re brave- we love when couples use photos of themselves at different ages as table numbers. We’ve even seen photo montages playing on a monitor during cocktail hour. And of course, our minds were blown - along with the party guests- when DJ Mova and the photographer teamed up to show a few ceremony photos during the reception on his customizable DJ booth.

Making it personal - This has always been big for us. It’s what influenced our company name! We love Pinterest, but sometimes couples can lose focus on the fact it’s their wedding and plan a gorgeous wedding that could belong to anyone. We’ve seen couples think “How can we tell our story?” and we’ve come up with some fun ways. Love to cook together - a toaster oven can be a cute card box. Have you traveled the world together - use photos and places you’ve been as table numbers. We even had one music loving couple use old records as their guest book.

At the end of the day, it’s about you and celebrating your love and your journey. Some trends may fit you and some may not, but we hope we gave you some insight of fun ideas! Have fun creating an event that is truly you and Perfectly Yours!

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